Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Anxiety Thy Name Is Moonbat

Quote of the Day

"I told him I'd Googled 'rent boy,' just in case I got whisked off to some Navy prison in the dead of night," Kathryn Hanson, a former telecommunications engineer who lives in Oakland, Calif., tells the New York Times, about the anxiety she shared with her boyfriend after Googling a phrase that means "young male prostitute" that she had heard on the BBC. Ms. Hanson's reaction arose from last week's reports that as part of its effort to uphold an online pornography law, the Justice Department had asked a federal judge to compel Google to turn over records on millions of its users' search queries."

But isn't that what being a loon really is? One anxiety attack after another in the race to see who can win the Lefty-Paranoia gold cup? These are grown men and women, these loons, quivering in their dimly lit rooms as they fashion tinfoil defenses against whatever imaginary black aircraft has been following them as of late.

But what would we do without them. Sad and funny and everything in between.

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