Felons, Parolees Getting Hunting Licenses HELENA, Mont. (AP) -
Hundreds of people barred from having guns because they are felons on parole or probation are still able to get hunting licenses in Montana with no questions asked, an Associated Press investigation found. Montana may not be alone.
"There are plenty of ways people can hunt even though they are barred from using conventional weapons," added Gary S. Marbut, president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. "My guess is that there are a lot of them that are being perfectly decent citizens."
The problem is, no one knows for certain."
So when in doubt, scream and shout. Guilty before the crime. Typical liberal bullshit. And were this to be a REAL "investigation", the ASSociated Press would have dug into how many times prior to this a crime was committed with a hunting license. Then follow this years crop of hunters to see how they are fairing as well.
But that isn't the point. The point is to frighten people. No evidence at all establishing a link between hunting and criminal activity but the AP'ers go the loon route and create a fuss without a harm nor foul.
Now let a felon get out of jail without having his VOTING rights restored, and watch the apeshit. The moons do so love their criminals when it comes to signing on the dotted line, but restoring other rights is out of the question. Fact of the matter should be simple; if someone has paid their debt to society in full then why in all hells are they still being punished?
Violent criminals, well sure. Keep firearms way from those who have harmed others. But for the love of mercy, Martha frickin Stewart can't own a gun?
Seriously now, I need some help with this. All you liberals, are you afraid of Martha packing?
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