Saturday, July 29, 2006

Overthinking, Ya Think

by John Podhoretz

July 28, 2006
-- "MY column on Tuesday posed a series of questions about whether America and Israel have achieved such a high level of civilization that we cannot do what is necessary to win wars against stateless terrorist foes. Some other questions - harsher ones - also deserve to be asked:

Is the impulse to fault America and Israel for failing to achieve a pristine standard of civilized conduct in war always rooted in deep humanitarian concerns? Or are many of those who do so actually seeking to blame America and Israel for choosing to use military means to defend themselves and defeat a conscienceless and evil enemy?"

No, no, no. Shame when we have to take the time to edumacate such lofty ass-ertions, but here goes. The leftwing media condemns ANY effort to destroy America's enemies. This frightens and befuddles enough of the electorate so that conservative leaders don't stand a chance unless they temper reality with treehuggishness. There are PLENTY of highly civilized folks who understand that killing a rabid animal is not only prudent, but humane. The problem arises when the confused scardycats dicker with their chads and are incapable of making the right decision. It is not civilization that is to blame, John, but the lack thereof.

Big difference. VERY big difference.

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