Saturday, August 05, 2006

Reuters Photoshopping Beirut?

Charles at LGF says this picture from Reuters is "obviously photoshopped", and I'll take his word for it because I'm devoid of any such acumen.

"OK, now things are getting weird.

This Reuters photograph shows blatant evidence of manipulation. Notice the repeating patterns in the smoke; this is almost certainly caused by using the Photoshop “clone” tool to add more smoke to the image. (Hat tip: Mike.)

It’s so incredibly obvious, it reminds me of the faked CBS memos. Smoke simply does not contain repeating symmetrical patterns like this, and you can see the repetition in both plumes of smoke. There’s really no question about it."

I'm not going to waste a lot of time trying to determine if this is true or not simply because I like leaving it to the experts in their field determine the truth of the matter, and if he says it is so then it is so.

Then precisely how low can these madmen of the media go? What, a LITTLE smoke wasn't enough so they had to create something akin to a massive conflagration to make their point that Israel is overdoing it? They turn the "tragedy" of Qana into a Hollywood farce in order to draw criticism of Israel, then doctor photographs? What's next, photoshopping "Death To Hezzie Scum" on the foreheads of dead children just to see how enraged they can make the world?

THE MEDIUM IS THE MESSAGE. They want the western world to fall victim to these barbaric scumdogs and will stop at nothing to achieve this. So it's up to us to tell the real stories, and a great big thank you to Mr. Johnson.

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