Sunday, September 11, 2005

The Ties. Well, Half A Tie

Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals

This "news" has been popping up everywhere the MSM decides it's time to tell half the story, just the part that casts a shadow over the beleaguered White House. Not that ANY time is a good time to prevaricate, but come on, those of you that are at least half human....

One of the major players in the rebuilding is Haliburton, and say no more, right. Doesn't matter that they drop in the lowest bids, ALL that matters is the fact that Vice President Cheney was associated with them, so it's slam W time.

The other player, so far, is The Shaw Group. Mentioned only as "oh yeah, these guys too" in this or ANY of the caterwauling headlines proclaiming favoritism, but let's have a look at them, shall we? Hmmm...the largest corporate contributor to Governor Blanco's campaign. This wasn't worth a mention? Okay. And the top dog over at Shaw is Jim Nerhard, the Chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party.

So let me get this straight...if you're a Republican it's a SIN to have EVER been associated with a company that gets government contracts, but if you're a Democrat, it's OKAY to be the current honcho of a company that gets government contracts.

Doesn't the Yellowstream Media make you sick

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