Thursday, November 30, 2006

Stop The ACLU Blogburst Thursday

I know everyone will be in shock upon hearing the news, but yes, the ACLU is once again making inroads into flat-out stopping Christmas as we know it, and local communities are the ones to blame, and NOT the god-hating commies disguising themselves as an American liberty union. The commies are just being commies. Time was when Americans would put them in their place, and marginalized pinkos had to be content with protest marches and little else.

Now, when the socialists tried taking away our guns we admittedly let them go too far, but enough was soon enough and the bedwetters went back to soiling their own nests. America gets the government it deserves, and if the liberal leavings of Carter and Clinton still sit atop judicial benches from which to aid and abet the ACLU in their attempts to stifle Christmas, then this is merely a case of the people having spoken.

But lets face it; thousands of communities around the country continue to treat Christmas as Christmas, trimmings and all, just as most cities and towns and states repealed commie-inspired gun control laws. If your town gets in bed with the likes of the ACLU, then guess what. It's, duh, your fault, duh.

Bottom line? If WE could get our guns back, then they can get their mangers back. The fence-sitters handed control of Congress to the loons, and if their very own loons believe that Christmas should be abolished to one degree or another, then I guess they weren't such great Christians to begin with, so surprise, surprise.

The last election proved that blogs cannot compete with the Yellowstream Media when it comes to winning the hearts and minds of middle-of-the-road independants. These same independants might very well be staunch Christians, but were quite happy to insert godless politicians in high office. Conservative Republicans cannot do it alone, so it's going to take something along the lines of what the NRA did to dismantle the Assault Weapons Ban.

Appeal to ALL Americans. Sure, the loons will vote AGAINST anything intrinsically American, and while we and the independants outnumber them it's going to take a LOT more than weblogs such as Stop The ACLU to reach the folks who wouldn't know a blog from a chinese frog.

It means a fight starting amongst the grassroots and spreading across America. Problem is, not enough people think that missing Nativity scenes are all that much of a loss, or the politicians backing the liberal courts and the communist ACLU would step in and stop the nonsense post haste.

If you are an independant and want Christ back in Christmas, then petition your elected representatives. If you are a Conservative Republican and were unaware of the problem, however location-specific it might be, then click the headline link and join Stop The ACLU.

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