Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Feinstein The Fool...

Feinstein... ALL Huffy: You hate women, you don't think they have the same ability, you think they should be home-makers, you hate it when they leave work to have babies, you don't believe women earn less than men (for working a LOT less but that's another tale of woe), you've called women's groups "The Lady's Taskforce"...and did you really hate us and do you still hate us?

You also hate women in prison because felonious girls learn less than felonious boys. Do you hate women felons too?

Roberts answers that she is taking out context humerous footnotes that had nothing to do with his wtirings or feelings.

Feinstein says that she doesn't want to belabor the issue, but why does he hate women so much?

Feinstein continues by reminding us that in her day, early Roman-Empire from what she said yesterday, women had to have babies they wanted to kill but could not, and it's real good nowadays because they can, just like that, and would you force women to have babies they hated or agree with past Supreme Court rulings?

Roberts reply that precedence would be the first thing he looked at.

Feinstein: On to the case of the hapless toad: shouldn't we be allowed to use the commerce clause to save frogs too? Roberts wants to strangle her as she says that, sure, the toad is only in California but what if he hops over the border? Roberts wants to know why some OTHER law cannot protect the poor froggies.

Feinstein once again shifts back centuries in time...back in MY day...the constitution didn't infere with religion. Are we still seperated in church and state, Judge?

Roberts answers that yes, free expression of religion was important to the framers who fled oppressive regimes. The subject is complex and not an absolute.

Feinstein is puzzled and wishes it was centuries ago when she could think about something besides what is included in her notes.

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