Monday, September 12, 2005

Senate Confirmation Hearings...

Just an observation as the opening statements begin in the John Roberts Senate inquisition, strike that, confirmation hearings.

Diane Feinstein reminds us that the Roman Empire persecuted women, and ran over in time as she told a poignant tale of shoes in Pakistan. She went on to recollect soliciting funds to pay for a friend's Tijuana abortion while she was in College; persecution, abortion, and shoes, all burning issues facing today's women. Biden must have been kicking himself for not speaking of those same topics in his allotted whinge, but instead moaned about how awful it is to be a liberal that nobody loves. Senator Kennedy was obviously drunk and I understood nothing of what he said. Arlen Specter is suffering from Rogaine poisoning, so I took with a grain of salt his argument that Congress should make laws and the Supreme Court should be nice to Congress and not overturn those laws. Senator Leahy was too distraught to say much of anything after he discovered that his aides had forgotten to bring the posters of Judge Roberts playing a guitar while New Orleans drowned.

UPDATE: Senator Schumer has spoken and deserves a paragraph all to himself:

Schumer quarreled that those who don't believe in appointing judges based upon ideology should take their quarrel to the President but he'd take his quarrel with those who quarreled with the very premise of the right to quarrel. He agreed with himself until he didn't. He badgered that he would not badger. He enumerated workers rights, women's rights, the rights of the disabled and rights for salmon to swim upstream. He took umbrage with the myth that Justice Ginsberg refused to answer specific questions just because she refused to answer specific questions but reiterated that some questions were answerable only if one did not refuse to answer based upon the very premise of the right to refusal, and not the right to refrain to answer fully and openly. He made that quite clear.

Still makes me proud to be an American.

How is Roberts responding so far? He obviously is in need of a better actor to coach him, as his two, and only two facial expressions are...Glee and Old Yeller Just Died, and might be far too few for this august body of killers, abortionists and bad actors in their own rights.

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