Monday, November 13, 2006


You know, I truly wanted to take a much needed break from politics. But all I hear from the Oval Office and the RINO's that are posing for the media is how they just can't wait to dig in and compromise with the new Dems in town.

Bullshit. You don't compromise with terror, criminals, madmen, or those who'd sell America for a plug nickle of it meant getting their picture on the cover of TIME.

What ever happened to stick-to-your-guns. Or, well hell, we got our asses handed to us but let's now show them what we're REALLY made of.

Compromise with Nancy Pelosi? Dick Turban? Murtha? Teddy Kennedy? Are they insane? You don't compromise with such creatures you fight them with your dying breath. There are no where's NEAR enough liberal democrats to over-ride a Presidential veto, so instead of circling the wagons as they get back to brass tacks, these surrender at all cost marsupials disguising themselves as elected representatives want to give away the asylum keys to any straightjacket wearing moron who asks.

Compromise THIS. I know full well that politics is a game of give and take, but not at the expense of your core values.


High time for a new Contract With America. And by that I mean the REAL America, and not the illegal immigrants the dems want in to bolster their constituency. They couldn't beat us often enough so thought it'd be a good idea to legalize a few million wetbacks to make the playing field more to their liking and guess what?

Bush thinks that's just swell. Man, but did he have ME fooled.

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