This From CNN:
"Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, architect of an unpopular war in Iraq, intends to resign after six stormy years at the Pentagon, Republican officials said Wednesday.
Officials said Robert Gates, former head of the CIA, would replace Rumsfeld.
The development occurred one day after congressional elections that cost Republicans control of the House of Representatives, and possibly the Senate as well. Surveys of voters at polling places said opposition to the war was a significant contributor to the Democratic Party’s victory.
President George W. Bush was expected to announce Rumsfeld’s departure and Gates’ nomination at a news conference. Administration officials notified congressional officials in advance."
Someone had to fall on the sword, and hard. From the President's press conference today it was obvious that he wasn't "getting-it", and this is probably the first major blunder of the Carl Rove era. A great many Americans were disenchanted despite low unemployment and thriving economic numbers, and people become so for several reasons, but most of all because Rumsfeld was portrayed as the failed architect of Iraq and tell me something now...
When did you hear from the Administration what EVERY Conservative blog was forever talking about? When did you hear about the good things coming from Iraq, the positive economic news, the real story about illegal immigration, or how most entitlements were simply wrong and turning the country into a liberal paradise. A lot of people have been blaming the media and certainly the liberal television and print outlets were forever pouncing upon every last nuance possible to portray the country as heading in the wrong direction, but the White House sat blithely by and didn't give Conservatives much to hang their hat on.
The George W. Bush that we elected was not the George W. Bush who let spending run amock and lost the ability to speak to his constituency. He became, or always was, a moderate Republican and moderates are fence-sitters who don't appeal very much to what makes America tick. When he needed to be strong he was content with hoping aboard the entitlement bandwagon and trying to look pretty to everyone, and that wasn't possible. Republicans don't like pretty, we like forceful. The dems do pretty to a fair-thee-well and it isn't possible to beat someone at their own game, so this time around we lost.
Yesterday, and into day I heard a common thread being woven by the people I spoke with. They didn't think the country was really at war, were confused about Social Security reform, and a surprising number of them wanted Rumsfeld's head. The VAST majority of military people have been on Rummy's side, but the Administration took this for granted and let the opposition make the rules.
Sure the liberal media have been calling for his ouster. That's what liberals do best. Focus upon a personality over an issue. But when did anyone connected with the Oval Office take up the cause with anywhere NEAR the decibel level of the left?
They out-shouted us. They whined and complained, then took a deep breath and whined and complained some more, while the Administration sat on it's laurels and hoped for the best.
The too-little, too-late, message from the White House was, hey, America is in great shape but where was this message all along? Funny thing is, America IS in great shape but when the angry left was screaming otherwise neither the President nor Republican politicians were paying much attention and guess what...
The ONLY message the public was accustomed to hearing was how BAD a shape we were in. We remain supporters of Israel, hate illegal immigration with a passion, want to win the war on terror, but Rumsfeld seemed arrogant and the news from the front seemed ugly, so off with his head.
It's funny and not a little weird. Here in Florida. Every virtue I've espoused is something Floridians as a whole agree with. They elected a Conservative Republican as Governor, abhor gun-control, and want a strong and vibrant and FREE America.
But they tired of the same episode of George Does Washington, and wanted a change. "Things need changing." I heard that over and over again. Sure, we bore easily and let's face it, Republicans didn't make themselves appear to be much different than Democrats, so the Dems just went out and acted like better Dems while the Republicans tried to hop aboard the entitlement pony and ride IT to victory.
It's been some time since I've been this disappointed. But all along I knew what the REAL deal was, and was shocked to learn that most of my fellow Americans did not. Because I was paying attention I thought that everyone else was as well.
But you know what this opens the door to?
REAL Republicans making their case to the electorate. Come 2008, the dems will have screwed the economy, surrendered to the invading hordes of illegals, and pretty much tried to mess with all that is GOOD about America.
Goodbye Hillary. You're out of the closet and for the next 2 years we'll get to see the Wreck of The Hespiris as told by the lunatic left.
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