Behold the Top 10 Highlights of the Great Government Grope of 2010. Don't you just swell with pride, seeing your tax dollars at play? (Careful you don't swell too much. TSA agents are already complaining how yucky it is to strip-search "fatties.")
Folly One: The federal government sued Arizona for the ultimate crime: enforcing federal law!
Folly Two: The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) roughly gropes 3-year-old autistic children, old men with urine bags, and crippled women with artificial knees, just to avoid the liberal taboo of profiling.
Folly Three: Because your government cares so dang much about your every wart and sniffle, Obamacare was rammed through to destroy the best medical system in history.
Folly Four: TSA agents are spreading infectious diseases to thousands of travelers, and those naked body scanners are cancer-incubators run amok.
Folly Five: The government twiddled its thumbs, whistled Lady Gaga tunes, and downloaded episodes of "Lost" instead of shutting down WikiLeaks, or al-Qaeda's English language magazine, or thousands of crazy jihad sites and YouTube videos.
Folly Six: The Department of Homeland Security shut down 82 counterfeit goods and music sites overnight, without warning or due process.
Folly Seven: The president of the United States turned the world's attention to America's most bitter enemy: The Chamber of Commerce.
Folly Eight: The government "negotiated" with Taliban impostors and gave them "lots of money."
Folly Nine: 70% of Oklahoma voters voted to ban Shariah law, but Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange said no.
Folly Ten: The Senate voted to nationalize the food supply and set up crime units to hunt down wayward tomatoes. You can't be trusted with zucchini, America!
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