Friday, February 01, 2008

State Of The Hogtown Address

It isn't easy being a Hogtown Irregular. I've tried introducing Conservative talk radio to the boys...all of them High Marshall of this that or the other thing, save for me but of course because I missed that important vote some months back...but the views of talk radio hosts need constant explaining, and they never, ever, mention that silly old 2nd Amendment when speaking about the basic and irrefutable foundations of Conservatism. Wealthy big wigs can hide behind fortified security measures and hire bodyguards, you see, and sure they bitch and moan about taxes since they pay a boatload of 'em. Illegal immigrants aren't listeners since they don't happen to speak English and all, so it isn't as if the gabbers are alienating a part of their audience or the trendy and expensive advertisers who foot the bill. An awful lot of time seems to be spent hawking yet another new book, all about high taxes and illegal immigrants and their right to be free speechifying by selling books but never anything about guns. The local liberals talk about guns all the time though. They tell everyone within earshot how evil guns are and how only criminals need guns and how children get killed by guns, and local members of law enforcement...Cop Beat on 97.3 FM each and every Sunday morning...rant on and on and on some more about the awful danger of carrying a gun in your car because officers don't like seeing non-officers with guns and how carrying one just might get you killed, because, after all, they do so want to go home every night. (Swear to God that is just what the Cop Beat'ers said over and over this past Sunday)

So its up to the Bloggers and maybe, just maybe, 10% of the population gets to tune in but the big and powerful bloggers don't talk about guns either, unless they are the big and powerful liberal Bloggers who hate guns.

That means an awful lot of word of mouth must suffice in order to spread the news but since the Yellowstream media and the liberal politicians and the police and the big and powerful liberal Bloggers are doing their level best to drown out that news, we are, as a wise man once said, shoveling shit against the tide.

Thats the reason John McCain types win primaries. People are a lot smarter than the media gives them credit for, and wonder why it is that supposed Conservative pezzanovantes (.45 calibers...its where "big-shot" came from) yak about their high taxes and their right to free speech but shy away from guns. Self serving bitching and moaning it seems like. Maybe because it is. Then when they tell us about the evils of John McCain and how John McCain really isn't Conservative, some cock their heads and say huh? Well, dammitall, you ain't Conservative either, bubba.

John McCain, he went to war for us and even got tortured alla them years by the commies. Man deserves to be heard he does, and what IS it with all those rich busybodies who ain't never even owned a gun and won't stand with us when the pinkos wants to come take ours? Everybody bitches about taxes and them Mexicans but real Americans pay attention to the whole Constitution, hoss.

Oh and by the way let me make something quite clear...

I'm not looking for a "leader". Every 4 years we put out the Help Wanted sign for President, looking for someone to do what we've no time to accomplish on our own. WE are the leaders, you see, WE are in charge, and since neither Reagan nor Washington nor any of the Founders are traveling this way again anytime soon, WE will handle the leadership chores thank you very much. We look for a man who has the stamina and fortitude and morals to do as we ask, and if he doesn't deliver then its time to hang out the sign again. Listening to certain weak-kneed 'Conservative' talking heads begging for leadership is pathetic. Shows they just don't get it. The entire American gig was to make US the employers, the leaders, who made the rules and hired who we damned well pleased to make sure the place was kept tidy. The American experience survived LBJ, it survived Mr. Peanut, and the Pelosi's and Boxer's and Kennedy's and Schumers and Clinton, perhaps MOST of all the Clinton's. It'll survive just fine if certain of us make yet another stupid ass mistake and hire some jackass to keep the place in order.

As long as WE remain in charge we'll address the wrongs when need be and right the ship. Freedom isn't cheap or easy or the whole world would be free. We're the ones who decided to fight for such a right and to keep fighting whenever called upon to stand on the cold and dark side of the wall.

The hired help comes and goes but Americans go on forever.

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