Friday, October 19, 2007

Limbaugh Letter Hits 2 MILLION On Anti-2nd Amendment eBay!

Were it from any other source I'd not believe it.

$2 million and counting.

Even the Yellowstream media has to acknowledge this. With less than 10 hours remaining, a furious bidding war has guaranteed a $4 million donation to the Marine Corps/Federal Law Enforcement fund, and while I'm sure Rush can afford so grandiose a gifting, $2 mill is some serious, serious money, gang.*


The Marine Corps - Law Enforcement Foundation encourages the spiritual, moral and intellectual development of children through education. The Foundation was formed in February 1995, by former Marines and law enforcement personnel who strongly believe that our nation's most precious resource is its youth.

Fore more information visit:

* Disclaimer: Ebay is anti-gun, anti-2nd Amendment, and pretty much anti-anything to do with the pioneer spirit and freedom that made our great country what it is today.

Rush is of course unaware of this, as he is unawares of anything to do with nothing but Rush, but this particular cause is worth the slight he and eBay have conspired together with in order to give continual insult to the Constitution, thus Messenger's coverage of the event.

Ebay and the United States Senate. As Anti-American as it gets. You get a pass this time, Limbaugh, but in the future it would be so special were you to give your business to Pro-Americans.

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