February 28, 2006 -- "The shocking new sex procedure that has women gaspingTHIS is one plastic surgery you won't be able to point out during red-carpet arrivals. Forget the lip injections and the breast implants; the hottest place for stars to get shot up with collagen this year is ... the G spot. That elusive female pleasure point - whose very existence was the subject of medical debate for years, and continues to confound many a well-intentioned man - is the pet project of Dr. David Matlock, Beverly Hills OB-GYN, laser surgeon and passionate defender of a woman's right to orgasms.
His $1,800 procedure, which he calls "the G-Shot," is exactly what it sounds like: a shot of collagen to the G spot, which temporarily enlarges the area, making it easier to locate."
And if I had far less class I'd mention that the next big deal will be artificially enlarging the prostate gland so homosexual attention to that area would prove to be more fruitful, but I wouldn't think of saying such a thing.
G-Spot? Thought that was what astromoners called the big-ass zit on the face of Jupiter...
PS: The pic of the gal came with the story, and if she's your type then may God bless. Kinda looks like Osama in drag to me but each his own.
Good work if you can get it.......(smile)
Kelly Bundy: Gee, I hope it's a G-spot.
Peggy Bundy: That's a ten spot, honey
Cough, oh yeah.
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