I was taken aback when Mr. Fancy Schmancy shouted "A pox on both your houses!" as I was unaware that he knew of my summer home. Founding member of the Hogtown Irregulars, and former indentured short order cook still on the run. Professional Zamboni racer and bronze medal recipient in the 2010 All-Miami Outdoor Zamboni Championships.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Spending the AM reading, so far. Not much new. Same old shite. Coffee is just kicking in so maybe it'll rouse me to bitch about something, anything.
The doldrums of winter. Hard to evoke even a halfway decent rant.
Stopping by to say what's up.
Well dammitall how the hells are ya? Long time no see, and thanks a bunch for dropping in. Hope all is well by you and yours.
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